Unscheduled inspection by roszdravnadzor
Roszdravnadzor started an unscheduled inspection of the Federal State-Funded Institution of Sverdlovsk Region Kirovgrad Central City Hospital as according to the mass media, the ambulance the ambulance response time was significantly delayed.
By the order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, the Federal Service Surveillance in Healthcare started an unscheduled inspection of the State-Funded Institution of Sverdlovsk Region Kirovgrad Central City Hospital.
Media reports about the facts of urgent medical care improperly provided to the residents of township Neyvo-Rudyanka triggered the supervisory measures.
In the course of the inspection, the local agency of Roszdravnadzor in Sverdlovsk Region will verify the observance of mandatory requirements of legislation when providing medical services in the State-Funded Institution of Sverdlovsk Region Kirovgrad Central City Hospital.