Import substitution: new domestic drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are entering the market
In the summer of 2023, it became known about the purchase by Novo Nordisk of the Canadian company Inversago Pharma, which is studying methods of treating people with obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders using drugs based on glutides. At the same time, Novo Nordisk in Russia already has 3 registration certificates for drugs containing liraglutide. Russian companies are also showing interest in this group of substances.
In September 2023, PROMOMED RUS received a registration certificate for the drug Enligria, which includes liraglutide. The drug is available in the form of a solution for subcutaneous administration in 3 ml cartridges for installation in a reusable syringe pen. The drug Enligria is intended for the correction of excess body weight in adults and adolescents over the age of 12 years as part of an integrated approach. Enligria is not a replacement for insulin.
Liraglutide as part of the drug has a long half-life (13 hours), which allows the drug to be used once a day.
The PROMOMED RUS company plans to supply the drug to pharmacies in October this year. At the same time, the company has two more drugs based on glutides at the registration stage.
The full production cycle of the drug is carried out at the production sites of Biokhimik JSC or Zavod Medsinez LLC. The manufacturer of the substance is JSC Biokhimik.
According to Promomed Group of Companies, the release of Russian GLP agonists will eliminate the shortage of similar drugs that arose in 2022, associated with the cessation of supplies from the only manufacturer.
It is worth noting that the Promomed Group of Companies portfolio includes other drugs intended for weight loss and the treatment of concomitant diseases. Among them is the well-known in Russia line of drugs Reduxin based on sibutramine.
Sibutramine is a prodrug, the metabolites of which increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the need for food, as well as increase thermal production.