Registration of medical devices in the CIS-bg

Registration of medical devices in the CIS

This section is dedicated to navigating the registration procedures for medical devices in CIS countries. Being an information-driven company, we are delighted to openly share with you a quick guide about the differences and peculiarities of procedures in several countries known as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries. Some of them are current members of the EAEU, but some still have quite authentic procedures. As the demand for modern healthcare technology surges across the region, understanding of its regulatory processes is essential for manufacturers and distributors seeking market entry. We aim to provide clarity and actionable insights for stakeholders in the healthcare industry, so join us on this journey as we unravel the complexities of registration procedures to streamline the path towards successful product launch in CIS countries. 

* The described processes are subject to the national and EAEU policies and are valid at the time of posting them in 2022.

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