What do drones have in common with drug delivery?
The potential of modern technologies and artificial intelligence is being evaluated in all sectors of the economy, including healthcare. Thus, within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum, attention was paid to the use of drones to deliver medicines to hard-to-reach areas.
In the spring of 2024, Aeromedic-30 drones capable of transporting up to 5 kg of cargo over a distance of up to 200 km were successfully tested in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The drone development company Kleverkopter plans to launch commercial serial production of drones for the delivery of medicines to remote and hard-to-reach settlements.
Similar tests were also carried out in 2023 in Buryatia and in the Sakhalin region. On Sakhalin, drones were tested in extreme conditions: with heavy snowfall and wind and poor visibility. At the second stage of testing, it is planned to create six drone-based hubs in this region, which will be used for emergency and regular delivery of medicines and tests, as well as for searching and monitoring emergency situations.
The ability to deliver medicines using drones can help solve the problem of drug availability in remote and hard-to-reach settlements.
For the first time, the Australian company Flirtey tested drug delivery technologies using drones. In July 2016, the Flirtey drone delivered medicines from a pharmacy to a hospital for the first time. The delivery took place in two stages: first, an unmanned fixed-wing aircraft operated from NASA Langley Research Center transported 24 bags of medicines from a pharmacy in Virginia to Lonesome Pine Airport in Wise County, Texas. Then, over several flights, the drone transferred medicines to the remaining distance from the airport to the clinic. The cargo was lowered using a cable next to the hospital. Each drone flight took about three minutes.
In addition, Amazon and Google are actively developing drones for healthcare needs. Google has even received a patent for a special "medical drone". It is planned to be used to deliver medicines (for example, adrenaline) to patients in emergency cases.
Despite the rapid development of medical drone technologies, one should not expect their rapid introduction into everyday realities. This is due to the creation of a certain regulatory field within which drones will exist.
- https://pharmvestnik.ru/content/news/Zona-otrabotki-bespilotnikov-dlya-dostavki-lekarstv-poyavitsya-na-Dalnem-Vostoke.html
- https://pharmvestnik.ru/content/news/Minzdrav-polojitelno-ocenil-perspektivy-ispolzovaniya-dronov-dlya-dostavki-lekarstv-i-analizov.html
- https://vademec.ru/article/bespilotnye_proekty/?ysclid=m1qjlj2eut229534570