Violations at Ivanteevka Central Municipal Hospital over the death of a 14-year-old teenager patient
Roszdravnadzor reveals gross violations at Ivanteevka Central Municipal Hospital (Moscow Region) over the death of a 14-year-old teenager patient. Roszdravnadzor Territorial Body for Moscow and the Moscow Region has completed an unscheduled inspection of State-Funded Healthcare Institution of the Moscow Region Ivanteevka Central Municipal Hospital (SFHI MR Ivanteevka CMH), which was organized following mass media reports of the death of a 14-year-old teenager.
The supervisory agency has found out that the treatment given to the teenager had a number of serious shortcomings. Roszdravnadzor has also revealed that the hospital’s internal commission did not properly control the quality of medical assistance: it did not consider compliance with the requirements to provision of medical care established by laws of the Russian Federation thus precluding the hospital’s administration from making managerial decisions aimed at preventing similar situations in the future.
Based on the inspection results Roszdravnadzor Territorial Body has drawn up a statement of administrative infraction by SFHI MR Ivanteevka CMH and issued an order for corrective action. Findings of the supervisory exercise have been submitted to the Health Ministry of the Moscow Region, the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region, the Moscow Region Prosecutor’s Office and the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region for response action.