VII national congress of patients “state and citizens building patient-oriented healthcare in Russia”
A delegation of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare led by its head, Mikhail Murashko, participated in the work of the VII National Congress of Patients “State and Citizens Building Patient-Oriented Healthcare in Russia”
On November 9, 2016, a delegation of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare led by its head, Mikhail Murashko, participated in the work of the VII National Congress of Patients “State and Citizens Building Patient-Oriented Healthcare in Russia”.
Among those attending the event were the Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Veronika Skvortsova, the deputy Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Tatiana Yakovleva, the deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Sergei Tsyb, State Duma deputies, the management of the Federal Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance, departments of the Healthcare Ministry of the Russian Federation, the Administrations of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, and representatives of regional patient organizations and public councils on patients’ rights.
Opening the event, the co-chairmen of the Russian National Patient Union, Yuri Zhulev and Yan Vlasov, stressed the importance of legislative and executive agencies participating in the work of the Congress and specifically thanked the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare for its close cooperation on the issues of public drug supply and for a positive interaction with public councils.
Mikhail Murashko, in his turn, spoke about how the Service uses new forms of interaction with the Public Council on Patients’ Rights of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (joint videoconferences are held, representatives of regional public councils are invited to the meetings), informed the attendees of the changes in the legislation regulating provision of medicines, and emphasized the importance of interaction with public organizations. ‘We, as a regulatory body, need to get a feedback from patient associations and public councils,’ he noted in conclusion. ‘When planning supervisory activities, we consider the information received from them, and it enables us to solve the issues arising in the regions quickly and efficiently.’
After the plenary session, the head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare answered the questions of representatives of regional patient organizations and media during a briefing called “Availability and Quality of Health Care at the Present Stage”.
The head of the Department of the State Control of Implementation of State Healthcare Programs of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, Victor Fisenko, and the head of the Department of the State Quality Control of Healthcare of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, Anatoly Sharonov, participated in panel discussions “Availability and Quality of Drug Provision” and “Issues of Medical Care Provision in the Russian Federation”.