Unregistered medical devices
In the hospital of the city of Azov (Rostov region), patients with strokes were illegally sent for paid examinations. Based on the inspection materials of Roszdravnadzor, the medical institution was fined 150 thousand rubles.
The territorial body of Roszdravnadzor for the Rostov region conducted a scheduled inspection of the MBUZ "Central City Hospital of the City of Azov".
During the supervisory activities, it was established that 145 patients urgently delivered to the hospital by ambulance with strokes were sent to a private organization for CT examinations on a paid basis.
In addition, the medical institution does not comply with the procedures for equipping the departments of anesthesiology, resuscitation, traumatology, urology and surgery. Ambulance teams are not equipped with drugs for thrombolysis, which are used for the effective treatment of myocardial infarction.
Based on the results of the inspection by Roszdravnadzor, the Azov City Court found the MBUZ Central City Hospital of Azov guilty under Part 3 of Article 19.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and imposed a fine of 150 thousand rubles. The magistrate made a similar decision regarding the head physician and imposed a fine of 20 thousand rubles.