Roszdravnadzor meeting
On July 21, 2016 the meeting of the board of Roszdravnadzor devoted to the implementation of the performance appraisal system and the effectiveness of the local authorities of Service took place.
On July 21, 2016 under the chairmanship of the head of Roszdravnadzor Mikhail Murashko in Moscow there took place the scheduled meeting of the board of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare “The guidelines for the implementation of the performance appraisal system and the efficiency of local authorities of Roszdravnadzor their impact on the achievement of socially or economically significant effect, reducing socially dangerous consequences arising from non-compliance”.
During the board the following questions were discussed:
- modern architecture of control and supervising activities;
- introduction of performance measurement systems and the effectiveness of the local authorities of Roszdravnadzor taking into account their impact on the achievement of socially or economically significant effect, reducing the socially dangerous consequences arising from non-compliance with legislation;
- analysis of methodological approaches to planning and execution of the plan for 2016;
- forming of personnel potential and its influence on productivity and efficiency of control activities of territorial authorities;
- formation and implementation of the system of financing (awarding) integrated to results of control activities;
- the best practices on the implementation of the performance appraisal system and the efficiency of local authorities of Roszdravnadzor.
“The productivity and efficiency are one of the most important directions of control and supervising activities of Roszdravnadzor, – Mikhail Murashko declared in his welcoming speech. – Currently, the Russian government identified the main problems in the health system development: reducing queues at clinics, increasing the availability of drugs and medical care, the introduction of new technologies, improving the professional competence of doctors. The implementation of these solutions requires reforming the system of state control in the sphere of health, and from Roszdravnadzor, in turn – a different approach to the organization of work.
“Today the main challenge for the regulatory bodies is to create a mechanism of the ” transparent “control measures, based on the legal framework for the improvement, the principles of interagency and interdepartmental interaction using automation process audits, – explained the presence of the head of licensing and monitoring compliance with the mandatory requirements Roszdravnadzor Irina Krupnova. – That is, we need to to make each check clear and accessible to the business community, and one of the dominant modern control purposes should be risk-based model. “
The introduction of risk-based model will allow to redirect control at high-risk facilities; to exempt from routine monitoring objects low level of risk and bona fide market participants; to reduce excessive administrative costs; to increase the effectiveness of controls.
Improving the control and supervisory activities in the Russian Federation suggests strengthening the role of local authorities; ensuring a high level of interaction between the professional expert community and the state control bodies; the expansion of international exchange of experience; standardization of performance of the public functions and improvement of the internal control of their execution.
Thus, Roszdravnadzor activities should be aimed at reducing the negative social or economic effects arising from non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to achieve the optimal allocation of human, material and financial resources of the state and minimize undue interference in the activities of controlled entities.
“We are faced with a challenge: reducing the number of planned inspections, reducing the administrative burden on business while improving efficiency Roszdravnadzor activity, – said in conclusion Michael Murashko. – We will be able to solve it thanks to the introduction of a risk-oriented control and organization of a clear model, productive and efficient work in all regions of the country. “
In order to further improve and enhance the effectiveness of activities, Roszdravnadzor Board decided:
- to form a “strategic control office development initiatives (supervision) in the field of public health ‘and’ project office of Roszdravnadzor” with the participation of representatives of the expert, the business and professional community, the internal reference groups;
- to identify the priorities in the activities of “Office of Strategic Initiatives of control (supervision) in the health sector”;
- to develop and create new approaches to the organization and conduct of control and supervisory activities: to move from accusatory towards corrective and preventive actions;
- to develop the information-analytical decision on forming of the automated platform efficiency and effectiveness of control activities Roszdravnadzor assessment and risk-oriented control and supervision technologies.