Roszdravnadzor – control activities for 2017
On July 8, 2016 in the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare under the chairmanship of the head of Service Mikhail Murashko took place the videoconferencing with the local authorities of Roszdravnadzor during which were discussed the questions of drawing up the annual plan of inspections and work priorities for 2017.
“Recently the legislation regulating control and supervising activities in the Russian Federation has undergone many changes: the main emphasis is placed on the risk-based model of control actions, prevention of violations, decrease in amount of checks in case of improvement of their quality and productivity today, – declared to attendees Mikhail Murashko. – In this regard, we need to standardize the structure and functions of the Service and establish a clear work plan for 2017, which will correspond to the assigned tasks and will provide the social effect of activity Roszdravnadzor “.
The head of licensing and monitoring compliance with the mandatory requirements Roszdravnadzor Irina Krupnova emphasized in her speech that at present the number of violations, prosecutions and penalties imposed administrative fines should not be considered as the main indicator of effectiveness in conducting oversight activities.
The greatest productivity is shown by those checks before the end of which all the revealed violations are eliminated subject to supervision on their own, without the impact of the measures.
Also Irina Krupnova paid attention of local authorities of Roszdravnadzor to the need of implementation of risk-based approach in the work as “verification of organizations that can be attributed to the good faith and to prevent violations, leading to a misallocation of resources, control and supervisory authority”.
The head of Department for Control over the implementation of state programs in the sphere of Roszdravnadzor Health Viktor Fissenko drew attention to the new powers of Roszdravnadzor, which are also required in the audit plan for 2017: to control of use by the medical organizations of means of TFOMS for financial provision of additional professional education of medics according to the program of advanced training, and also for acquisition and carrying out repair of the medical equipment.
At the end of the meeting it was presented the main priorities Roszdravnadzor activities in 2017:
- control over observance of the citizens rights to receive medical care (including emergency specialist care), pediatric care and VMP;
- verification of medical and pharmacy organizations engaged in prescribing and dispensing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
- verification of pharmacy organizations of all forms of ownership in terms of compliance with the rules of the dispensing of drugs, as well as testing of industrial pharmacy for the quality of manufactured products;
- checks of beauty salons for use of unregistered medicinal products and medical devices;
- control over the provision of patient drugs;
- control over the activities of the salons and shops realizing orthopedic products.
In addition, the head of Roszdravnadzor Mikhail Murashko said that in 2017 the service will be made a special emphasis on comprehensive inspections of socially important objects: network drugstores, multi-profile clinics, lunatic asylums, TB dispensaries, central district hospitals and FASes.