Rostov region’s violations
During eleven months of 2016, the Territorial Division of Roszdravnadzor (the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare) for the Rostov Region has drawn up 734 administrative offence reports and imposed fines amounting RUB 11 mln. (of which RUB 8,993,000 has already been collected).
Article 6.30 of Russia’s Administrative Offenses Code accounted for the greatest part of the rulings issued by the authority (27%): regional medical treatment facilities irrespective of their form of ownership failed to post on their official web sites information about free medical assistance available under the government guarantee program.
Part 1, Article 14.4.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code was the runner-up (25%) stipulating penalties for violations in the medicinal preparations retail sales procedure: the regional pharmacies checked by the supervisory body lacked the minimal established offer of medicinal preparations.
Roszdravnadzor also drew up twelve reports under Part 5, Article 19.4 of the Administrative Offenses Code for delayed or incomplete provision of data to officials of the territorial subdivision.