Retail prices of drugs
In connection with the spread in the mass media on the growth of retail prices of drugs from the list of VED, Roszdravnadzor reports the following.
Roszdravnadzor (RZN) conducts monitoring of the prices only for products from the list of essential (VED). Within the monitoring the price dynamics for more than 600 INN essential drugs, which corresponds to more than 10 thousands of trading positions based on the formulations, dosages and manufacturers. The sources of information are almost seven thousand respondents (5 thousand in the outpatient segment, and 2 thousand – in the hospital one) in 85 regions of the Russian Federation. Monthly RZN processes about 4.5 million records of the medicines prices.
At the same time, the Federal State Statistics Service, the data which are presented in the widespread media article, performs monitoring of the prices of medicines involving both listed and non-VED list, as well as with the participation of medical devices. In general, it handles 45 Rosstat commodity products.
Thus, the method of calculation of the prices’ dynamics of Roszdravnadzor and Rosstat is different.
Reference of Roszdravnadzor: In the first half of 2015 the price of VED grew by 7,3%, and for five months in 2016 – by only 0,4%. In general, in 2015 the increase in prices for drugs from the VED list was 8,8%, on preparations not from the VED list – 19,5%; in 2016 – 0,4% and 2,9% respectively.
It should be noted that, despite the increase of the preparations prices of the VED list , retail prices in drugstores remained within acceptable values of the state.