Proposals of the Service aimed at organization of internal control of the medical activities’ quality and safety in medical organizations – first results
Roszdravnadzor summed up the preliminary results of implementation in 16 regions of the country of the Proposals of the Service aimed at organization of internal control of the medical activities’ quality and safety in medical organizations.
On September 6, 2017, a working meeting of the participants of the Project “Introduction of the Roszdravnadzor’s Proposals on organization of internal control of the medical activities’ quality and safety in medical organizations” was held in the Federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare under the guidance of Mikhail Murashko, the Service Head.
The Roszdravnadzor’s Proposals have been evaluated in 16 regions of the country for already a year and a half. The main goal of the project is to organize internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities in accordance with the unified criteria, creation of conditions for continuous perfection, improvement and development of the medical organization.
The Roszdravnadzor’s recommendations offer a unified approach to generation and functioning of internal control and management of the medical activities’ quality and safety in medical organizations. The key methods include the patient targeting, process approach, risk management, continuous quality improvement, and others.
“The main task of today’s meeting is the preliminary summing up of the results of implementation of Roszdravnadzor’s practical recommendations”, Michail Murashko addressed those present at the opening of the event. “The ideas that we outlined at the conference “Medicine and Quality” as early as two years ago, have become currently overgrown with your talents and proposals”.
In medical institutions, which proved to be proactive and where the patient’s priorities were given pride of place, people feel that they are the most important participants in the medical care project. This is the absolutely correct approach to work.
We have made a decision to take the lead in generation of internal control in order to reduce the number of claims to the medical organizations proper, and to show to the patients the kind attitude that can be created, and to encourage a feeling in each health care practitioner that he is needed in the team.
“I believe that the Roszdravnadzor’s proposals, which are introduced today, together with the Project “Sustainable Out-Patient Hospital”, give rise to a new direction in the perception of medical care by the RF population”.
Then the Roszdravnadzor Head told the audience about the principal development directions of the healthcare system, the results of the analysis of medical care quality and availability for the population over the last two years; voiced the main problems causing concern in the population in the regions; the criteria that determine the availability of medical care and its standardization; the principles of introduction of the risk-oriented approach to control and supervisory activities and internal quality control in a medical organization.
Igor Ivanov, General Director of Roszdravnadzor’s CMIKEE (Center of Monitoring and Clinical and Economic Expert Examination) FGBU (Federal State Unitary Enterprise), has summed up the first results for the 18 months of the introduction of the Roszdravnadzor’s Proposals on organization of internal control of the medical activities’ quality and safety.
The Roszdravnadzor’s practical proposals on organization of internal quality control have been currently introduced in more than 50 medical organizations of 16 RF constituent entities (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Tomsk, Moscow and Tyumen Regions, Republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Buryatia and others). “Since 2016, we have developed and already launched recommendations for in-patient hospitals including 11 sections, and we shall launch another 15 sections for out-patient hospitals”, he said. “What we need is an industrial quality management system based on standardization taking into consideration the international experience”.
Besides, the representatives from the Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Bashkortostan, Healthcare Department of Moscow, Healthcare Department of Tomsk Region, as well as chief medical officers of the hospitals and out-patient hospitals taking part in the project shared the experience of the quality management build-up at the regional and medical institution level in the course of the meeting.
At the close of the event, the Roszdravnadzor Head called on those present to continue taking measures to ensure the quality and safety of the medical activities, including establishment of regional Competence Centers directed by Roszdravnadzor; to keep on working on the Proposals, including the methodology of introduction of the medical activities quality and safety assurance system; to develop software for automation of the processes of control and quality and safety management; to develop the Voluntary Certification System “Quality and Safety of Medical Activities” of Roszdravnadzor.
Roszdravnadzor Information: more than 120 individuals from 20 regions took part in the meeting: representatives of 55 medical organizations, seven healthcare control bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, six departmental institutions, five professional organizations and three educational institutions.