Patient died, as assumed by the mass media, because of failure to timely provide medical care in nephrology discipline
Roszdravnadzor discovered violations in State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Stavropol Territory “Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 3” of Stavropol, where a patient died, as assumed by the mass media, because of failure to timely provide medical care in nephrology discipline.
The territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Healthcare for Stavropol Territory has conducted an off-schedule site inspection related to the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Stavropol Territory “Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 3 of Stavropol.
The organization of the supervisory activities was triggered by the information about the patient’s death in the hospital described in the regional and federal mass media, due to the absence of a nephrologist in the institution and, as a consequence, due to the failure to provide timely medical assistance for the patient in “nephrology” discipline.
It was found out resulting from the conducted inspection that the information submitted to the mass media about the fact that patient died because of the failure to provide emergency care by a doctor-nephrologist, did not reflect the actual situation. As per the results of the patient’s medical documentation review carried out by Roszdravnadzor specialists, it came out that the patient was consulted by a doctor – a nephrologist from GBUZ SK “Stavropol Territory Medical Ambulatory Dialysis Center” – on schedule. There were no grounds to conduct an emergency consultation of the patient by a doctor-nephrologist.
But at the same time, the Roszdravnadzor commission found actual violations of the procedure of provision of medical care to patients with ONMK (acute violation of cerebral circulation): because of the breakdown of the ultrasonograph, the necessary examinations – ultrasonography of the brain and heart vessels – were not timely carried out for the patient. The unserviceable ultrasonograph has not been so far repaired in the institution preventing from arranging the necessary medical examinations.
Related to the revealed violations in the activities of GBUZ SK “GKB No. 3” of Stavropol, the Roszdravnadzor territorial body for Stavropol Territory made a protocol about an administrative violation in respect of a legal entity as per Part 2 of Article 19.20 of the RF Administrative Violations Code envisaging a penalty from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.
The inspection materials were handed over to the Arbitration Court of Stavropol Territory for passing a procedural judgment and were brought to the attention of the Prosecutor’s Office of Stavropol Territory and the Investigations Division for Promyshlenny District of Stavropol.