National database of genetic information in the Russian Federation
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Education and Science to develop and put into operation the National Genetic Information Database (NGID). According to the resolution, the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” will be responsible for the operation of the system. The resolution comes into force on September 1, 2024. The creation of the NBGI is planned until September 1, 2025.
The goals of creating the NGID are:
- Ensuring national security, protection of life and health of citizens, sovereignty in the field of storage and use of genetic data
- Ensuring the exchange of information contained in the system between federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and owners of genetic data during their interaction within the framework of genetic engineering activities.
The tasks and functions of the NGID are:
- Storage of genetic information for the entire variety of biological samples, including plants, animals, microorganisms of wildlife, etc., with the exception of personalized human genetic data.
- Ensuring information security.
- Search and classification of genetic information.
- Providing a communication environment for professional communities.
- Accumulation of data obtained during the implementation of the program for the development of genetic technologies for 2019-2030.
And etc.
It is planned that the NGID system will include an open circuit designed for storing and processing publicly available information, a confidential circuit designed for processing information containing trade secrets, as well as personal data of system users, and a special circuit designed for storing and processing information containing information constituting a state secret.
Appendix 1 to the Resolution also lists organizations that are required to provide information about genetic information to the NGID. For most data groups, the deadline for providing information is December 31, 2025.