Ministry of internal affairs awards
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has awarded three officers of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare for their active participation in Pangaea operation.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has awarded three officers of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare for their active participation in Pangaea operation aimed at protecting against the spread of counterfeit medicines and medical products on the Internet.
On December 26, 2016, the head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, Mikhail Murashko, was awarded a medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Strengthening Military Cooperation” (the order No. 846l/c of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 2, 2016, signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Kolokoltsev), the head of the Department of the State Quality Control of Health Care Products, Valentina Kosenko, and the head of the Department of the State Control and Registration of Medical Devices, Elena Astapenko, received an official message of thanks “For Assistance Provided to the Internal Affairs Bodies during Pangaea Comprehensive Preventive Operation” from the deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation signed by the police Lieutenant-General, Mikhail Vanichkin.
The head of the 3rd Office of the Interpol National Central Bureau at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ilya Sevostyanov, having given the awards, noted that the Interpol NCB at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has highly appreciated the activities of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare in the international Pangaea operation. He thanked the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare for its successful organization and expert support of the operation on behalf of Interpol administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and expressed his confidence that Pangaea operation will be run at a higher level through their joint efforts next year.
A reference of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare: in 2016, 103 countries participated in the international Pangaea operation. 193 authorities of police and customs and regulatory agencies in healthcare were involved in the fight against online illegal sale of medicines and medical products. The operation resulted in 393 arrests worldwide and the withdrawal of potentially dangerous drugs worth more than USD 53 million. The customs authorities checked more than 300 thousand packages of products; identified 12.2 million packages of counterfeit and illegal medicines; discovered more than 270 thousand of counterfeit medical products to the amount of about USD 1.1 million.
The Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and its local offices carried out 299 inspections in the sphere of the distribution of medicines and medical products, all operation participants were provided with consulting and informational support.
As a result of the control activities, 5 trade names of 5 series of unregistered drugs, 76 names of unregistered medical devices (2,882 items), 3 names of counterfeit medical devices (23 items), and 36 samples of drugs of doubtful origin were discovered in the territory of the Russian Federation.
A quality screening using a nondestructive method of near-infrared spectrometry was applied to 296 drug samples in mobile laboratories of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.