Medical equipment stands idle in the Pskov region
Roszdravnadzor (RZN) statement: the expensive medical equipment for the total amount of 342 million rubles stands idle in the Pskov region.
The Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare during the period from April 25 to April 29, 2016 carried out an unscheduled field examination of the State committee of the Pskov region on health care and pharmacy (further – Committee).
In 2015 Roszdravnadzor with the involvement of non-staff (nonorganic) specialists of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation already made the enquiry of Committee on questions of the organization of healthcare delivery to the residents of the Pskov region and observance of the citizens’ rights during its administration. By the results of that inspection the quarterly plan of measures on reduction of mortality in the region was developed and approved.
After that local RZN for the Pskov region held corrective actions of the revealed violations during which non-performance of the instruction which had been earlier issued by the Service wasn’t recorded at the stated time.
The results of those inspection which was carried out in April, 2016 confirmed that the plan for achievement of indicators and reduction of mortality in the region was executed by Committee not in full (for 73%).
So, despite the decrease of mortality rate indicators in 2015 for a number of reasons, in the I quarter 2016 in the Pskov region indicators of the general lethality and mortality from diseases of the blood circulatory system are the highest among the subjects of the Russian Federation, and the infant mortality has the lead among the subjects of the Northwestern Federal District.
In 2016, as well as in the 2015, the particular provisions of the Territorial program of the State Guarantees for the current year establish conditions for violation of the citizens’ rights in the sphere of health protection.
The patents routing is interrupted in the region, the orders and clinical recommendations during the healthcare delivery aren’t observed to the population.
Also the facts of vaccines’ condemnation are, still, elicited in the Pskov region what confirms inefficient use of the federal budget resources.
It is insisted that in 2016 the violations regarding idle time and effective use of the medical equipment, including expensive one, which were revealed during last year’s control actions, haven’t been eliminated. In particular, at the time of conducting searches in the region 42 units of the medical equipment for the total amount of 342 136 211 rubles haven’t been placed into service.
Still the second program objective of health care modernization – introduction of modern information systems in health care – hasn’t been realized (it wasn’t eliminated following the results of audit of Roszdravnadzor from 1/23/2015).
Construction of the perinatal center is conducted with the network schedule delay what creates a high risk of nonobservance of the commissioning time; contracts for delivery of the medical equipment haven’t been concluded; the low level of money use has been recorded.
Also the mandate over the organization of providing the population with medicines delegated to the subjects of the Russian Federation by the Federal law from 7/17/1999 No. 178-FZ “Concerning State Social Assistance” is met by Committee not in full and with some violations.
Extreme violations of the rights of citizens for receiving the qualitative and available heath and medicinal care have been revealed.
Roszdravnadzor considers that non-achievement of indicative rates demonstrates incomplete implementation of measures, directed to reduction of the population mortality, low-quality healthcare delivery to the population of the region and insufficient departmental control.
By results of inspection the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare has issued to the State committee of the Pskov region on health care and pharmacy the instruction with the requirement to take measures for elimination of the revealed violations and their prevention in future. The items of supervising actions have been transferred to the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation,to the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and to the Governor of the Pskov region.
The Pskov region remains on special control of Roszdravnadzor.