Letter from the organization “Business Russia” to the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the strengthening of control measures for dietary supplements
Since the beginning of 2023, almost every month we have been updating the section dedicated to dietary supplements, namely the regulation and control of the industry. Not so long ago, the public organization "Business Russia" sent a letter to the Government of the Russian Federation with specific measures that will ensure control over the production and circulation of dietary supplements.
According to the information portal "Pharmvestnik", the subcommittee on the development of the parapharmaceutical industry of "Business Russia" sent a letter to the government, in which the representatives ask to tighten control over dietary supplements. It was sent to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko.
Business Russia proposes the following measures to ensure control in the industry:
- Implement national standards similar to the previously effective SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food supplements."
- Return to Rospotrebnadzor the ability to conduct inspections, control and monitoring purchases of products in retail outlets (including e-commerce) with the possibility of using, among other things, the state information system for monitoring the circulation of goods.
- Include manufacturers of dietary supplements in the preferential lending program by supplementing the list of types of goods in clause 3.5 of the Standard of the Industrial Development Fund "Terms for financing projects under the program" Implementation of a monitoring system for the movement of goods "-" specialized food products (biologically active food supplements ") in connection with the introduction of mandatory digital marking.
- To enable Rospotrebnadzor, Rosreestr and FAS to cancel declarations of conformity containing false information about products that mislead consumers and can harm the health of citizens.
- Introduce a mechanism for out-of-court blocking of pages of websites selling counterfeit products based on the materials of inspections by supervisory authorities.
According to representatives of the organization, in addition to accelerating the pace of digitalization of the domestic industry and control and supervisory activities, these measures will help protect bona fide dietary supplement manufacturers and consumers, as well as help Russian brands enter the market.