Illegal trade in drugs and medical devices prevention
Roszdravnadzor has taken part in the international preventive operation “Pangea”, aimed at curbing the illegal trade in drugs and medical devices over the Internet.
During the period from May 30 till June 7, 2016 a comprehensive preventive operation “Pangea” was held under the leadership of Interpol, which was attended by 103 countries.
International “Pangaea” operation is directed to suppression of the illegal trade in drugs, medical equipment and potentially dangerous goods for health through the Internet.
In the fight against illegal online sale of medicines and medical devices were involved 193 police agencies, customs and regulatory body in the field of health care. Operation “Pangaea” led to 393 arrests worldwide and the seizure of potentially harmful medicines on the amount more than 53 million US dollars.
The customs authorities of the countries checked more than 300 thousand packages of the product; It revealed 12.2 million packs of counterfeit and illegal medicines (diet pills, anti-malarial drugs; means for lowering cholesterol, the preparations used for erectile dysfunction, nutritional supplements); more than 270 thousand counterfeited medical products on the amount about 1,1 million US dollars are revealed.
The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Health Care and its regional offices actively participated in the “Pangea”: during the operation 299 audits in the sphere of pharmaceuticals and medical products were carried out, all participants of the operation were given advisory and information support.
As a result of these control measures 5 trade names of 5 series of the unregistered medicines, 76 names of the unregistered medical products (2 882 units), 3 names of counterfeited medical products (23 units), 36 samples of the medicines which raise doubts in their authenticity were revealed in the territory of the Russian Federation .
On the basis of mobile laboratories Roszdravnadzor there was the screening of quality with use of a nondestructive NIR method in respect of 296 samples of drugs.