Illegal dental office
The local authority of Roszdravnadzor for Moscow and the Moscow region has stopped activities of an illegal dental office.
The woman who has complained of the treatment result received in a dental office at Novoslobodskaya St., 48 (“Public service center”) has appealed to territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor for Moscow and the Moscow region.
In connection with the arrived claim the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor for Moscow and the Moscow region together with the Tver interdistrict prosecutor’s office of Moscow has conducted unscheduled exit inspection in the medical organization.
During supervising actions it has been established that activities for the specified address had been performed by thedentist illegally without a license. In case of work the equipment which technical serviceability couldn’t be confirmed has been applied. Besides, the doctor has used medicines (including anesthetics) with the expiration date which has expired at the beginning of 2015, and also overdue medical products (seals, etc.), including, not permitted to use in the territory of the Russian Federation.
By results of check the territorial authority of Roszdravnadzor for Moscow and the Moscow region has arranged protocols on an administrative offense according to the p. 2 cl.. 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, p.1 cl. 14.43 of the Administrative Code, cl. 6.28 of Administrative Offense Code. The lawsuit has raised the question of confiscation of medical equipment for benefit of the state for the subsequent utilization.
Currently, Tverskaia inter-district prosecutor’s office of Moscow, including on the grounds of other breaches of the Russian legislation, continues to work with the head of “dentistry”.