How can you find the list of pharmaceutical substances and registration certificates of medicines on the Roszdravnadzor website?
Registration certificate of a medicine is a document confirming the fact of state registration of a medicine.
Pharmaceutical substance (PS) - a medicine in the form of one or more active substances with pharmacological activity, regardless of the nature of origin, which is intended for manufacturing of medicines and determines their efficiency. PS is not subject to registration, but in order to be used in manufacture it must be entered into the State Register of Medicines based on the results of expert examination https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/grls.aspx.
On the website of Roszdravnadzor you can also find information about the availability of registration certificate of a medicine and the possibility of using PS http://roszdravnadzor.gov.ru/.
On the main page of the site go to the section "Services".
In the search bar enter the item "Medicines".
We select the item "Information on medicines being introduced into civil circulation in the Russian Federation".
Parameters for the search:
1. trade name of the medicine
2. series number
3. manufacturer name
4. country of manufacture
Using the advanced search, you can personalise the request, thus making the task easier.
If after all manipulations with the search the RC of the medicine and PS are not displayed in the register, then they are not registered and cannot be manufactured and sold on the territory of the Russian Federation.