Fine for spa resort in Yessentuki
Roszdravnadzor has imposed a fine of 130 thousand rubles on a spa resort in Yessentuki for improper storage of medical products and medical devices use violations.
The local agency of Roszdravnadzor of Stavropol Krai conducted a scheduled field check and document verification of the healthcare facility of Yessentuki Tsentrosoyuz of the Russian Federation Spa Resort.
The surveillance measures revealed that proper storage temperatures for medicines were not maintained in the spa resort. In addition, the medical devices handling requirements were not observed in the institution: In violation of the standard operating procedures, medical laboratory dispensers which were not properly tested were used in the clinical diagnostic laboratory.
Based on the results of the check by the local agency of Roszdravnadzor of Stavropol Krai, administrative offence reports have been drawn up with respect to the healthcare facility of Yessentuki Tsentrosoyuz of the Russian Federation Spa Resort in compliance with part 1 of article 14.43 and article 6.28 and fines of the total amount of 130 thousand rubles have been imposed.