Fabricated ultrasound medical device
Roszdravnadzor has revealed the fabricated ultrasound investigation apparatus in the private clinic of the Samara region.
The local RZN for the Samara region in April, 2016 conducted unannounced desk searches in the private clinic of LLC «Medical Radiotherapy Center» against which work the citizen has made a complaint.
During the supervising actions by specialists of Roszdravnadzor the fabricated ultrasound investigation apparatus of an expert class has been revealed in the organization (the producer has not confirmed authenticity of the medical equipment).
The apparatus which cost is more than 6 million rubles has been withdrawn from circularization, the materials on suppliers of the equipment have been transferred to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Samara region for taking measures within the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (article 238.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
In point of LLC «Medical Radiotherapy Center» the local Roszdravnadzor for the Samara region has drawn up a report on an administrative offense (article 6.28 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences), the decision on imposing punitive sanctions in the amount of 30 thousand rubles has been made.