CU TR 009\2011 - beauty
CU TR 009\2011 for beauty product is a part of EEU regulation - under EAC mark - applied for beauty products in common meaning except of products from the list under state registration for cosmetics and state registration as medical devices (if product fails under nomenclature classification by intended use - see medical device classification rules).
| What is the process?
Quotation stage - contact us to estimate quantity of DoC and project conditions. Manufacturer prepares documents and samples, send all information to BW Team - from this point accredited testing lab (who has accreditation for cosmetics testing) starts trials, on the base on these results Notified Body issues Declaration of Conformity (EAC mark) for cosmetic products.
| How long does it take to receive DoC?
2-4 weeks (from the point of documents and samples from manufacturer side are ready).
| What is required from manufacturer side?
List of documents (for cosmetic products) – CU TR 009\2011
From manufacturer side:
- Product specification (raw material list, information about ingredients) (approved by manufacturer),
- Normative documents according to which product is manufactured (approved by manufacturer),
- Product label or draft of product label (approved by local company),
- Document about safety of samples for approval process (approved by manufacturer),
- Evidence of customers’ properties listed in product label (such as SPF, anti-wrinkle action and so on) – (approved by manufacturer),
- Quality Management System certificate (if available),
- Documents about manufacturing process (if available),
- Contract between manufacturer and local company
Information about local company:
- Document about company registration (OGRN) and VAT number
All documents must be translated to Russian and have legalization in country of origin.
- samples (quantity disscussed additionally),
- local company (it is nessesary to have local company for DoC issuing).