Attention, medical organizations and private entrepreneurs!
As of December 12, 2017, resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation as of 18/12/2016 No. 1327 shall enter legal force, in accordance with which the following changes will be enacted in relation to the Regulation on the licensing of medical practice (with the exception of the indicated business conducted by medical organizations and other organizations included within a private health care system on the territory of Skolkovo innovations centre), passed by resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation as of April 16, 2012 No. 291 “On the licensing of medical practice (except for the indicated business conducted by medical organizations and other organizations included within a private health care system on the territory of Skolkovo innovations centre)“:
- in paragraph four, after the words “reproductive technologies”, the words “and artificial pregnancy termination” shall be added;
- the paragraph of the following content shall be added to the fifth paragraph: “for obstetrics and gynaecology (artificial pregnancy termination)”;
- the paragraph of the following content shall be added to paragraph seventy-nine: “for osteopathy”.