Analgesic drugs
Roszdravnadzor: in the first half of 2016 the number of citizens’ complaints to provide analgesic drugs decreased by 1.4 times in comparison with the similar period in 2015.
Within execution of the Work plan of Council under the Government of the Russian Federation for guardianship in the social sphere for 2016 Roszdravnadzor provides information on the results of control activities of local Roszdravnadzor authorities the practical implementation of the procedure for appointment, discharge and release narcotic analgesic drugs in the I half of 2016.
In the first half of 2016 local authorities of Roszdravnadzor held 428 audits behind observance of the citizens rights to anesthesia in the presence of medical indications.
It should be noted that in the accounting period the tendency of growth of issue of recipes for independent acquisition of preparations for anesthesia in case of the statement from a hospital is observed (twice more, than it is written out for the similar period in 2015): so recipes for independent acquisition of preparations are issued to 89 patients in case of the statement from a hospital for the purpose of anesthesia, and 93 patients are provided with narcotic medicines before registration at the place of residence.
As a result, it was found that proven medical organizations of health professionals in the primary receiving patients with severe pain 11,411 prescriptions for narcotic drugs and 2776 prescriptions were written out at physician sole discretion when visiting a patient at home.
It should be noted that in the reporting period, the growth trend of issuing prescriptions for self-purchase of drugs for pain relief at discharge (2 times more than is written out for the same period in 2015) so recipes for independent acquisition of preparations were issued to 89 patients in case of the statement from a hospital for the purpose of anesthesia, and 93 patients were provided with narcotic medicines before registration at the place of residence.
To adult patients in out-patient conditions 17 378 recipes on narcotic medicines were written out, to children – 81 recipes.
It is also established that in medical institutions in order of medical commissions there were composed 5162 Protocol on the appointment of narcotic drugs.
Through advocacy Roszdravnadzor conducted during 2015, there is a tendency to a decrease in prescribing the procedure for medical commissions (in 2015 for the similar period 25 130 protocols have been constituted).
Control over the implementation of the patients’ right to uninterrupted providing with the anesthetizing medicines for Roszdravnadzor remains a priority task. The situation indicator on timely is anesthesia, including the addresses to “the hot line”.
In the first half of 2016 “the hotline” of Roszdravnadzor local and executive authorities received 53 valid complaints about the refusal to discharge narcotic drugs. Also in the course of verification activities held by Roszdravnadzor, 13 claims to refusal in the statement of the anesthetizing preparations in the presence of medical indications were revealed.
For all incoming calls within 2-3 hours in the regions for taking prompt measures to ensure the patients required narcotic drugs. The emergency order within 10 minutes from the treatment registration establishes communication with officials of medical institutions and in all case and in all cases patients were provided with the necessary anesthetizing preparations.
For the expired period the number of claims in comparison with the similar period of last year decreased by 1,4 times.
Roszdravnadzor on a fixed basis carries out monitoring by determination of quantity of medical personnel which needs to complete professional development course concerning anesthesia pharmacotherapy.
According to the local authorities of Roszdravnadzor it is insisted that in the checked medical organizations advanced training for the I half-year 2016 there passed 7 103 employees, 1 215 seminars on treatment of a pain syndrome for medical personnel are organized and held.
For patients and their relatives were established 398 schools (44 subjects of the Russian Federation) at the offices of palliative care at clinics; in 41 regions (48%) until the present time the schools are not created.
Reference of Roszdravnadzor: In the territory of the Russian Federation now perform issue of narcotic medicines of 2 128 pharmaceutical organizations, 2 314 medical organizations of stationary type have the secured pharmaceutical organization.