Altai regional clinical perinatal center in Barnaul
Mikhail Murashko personally checked the implementation of the Roszdravnadzor recommendations by Altai regional clinical perinatal center in Barnaul.
On April 22, 2017, the employees of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare headed by Mikhail Murashko checked the enforcement of Roszdravnadzor instructions on the observance of license requirements and conditions, as well as the possibility of execution of orders for medical care provision in KGBUZ “Altai regional clinical perinatal center” (KGBUZ “ARCPC”).
The Roszdravnadzor commission found that the construction works in the perinatal centre (except the event hall) are completed, and relevant papers were issued by the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) in Altai region. All divisions of the healthcare institution can operate and accept patients. Currently, the technological process and equipment setting is under way with a gradual increase in load.
During a working meeting with the Governor of Altai region Alexander Karlin, the Minister of health of the Altai region Irina Dolgovaya and the administration of the perinatal center, Mikhail Murashko said that the activities of KGBUZ “ARCPC” should gradually, without an abrupt transition, integrate into the mandatory (existing) system of medical care provision to women and newborns with a clear routing of patients in accordance with the severity of their condition and diagnosis and with the involvement of the most qualified healthcare personnel of the region.
The Minister of health, in her turn, assured that during this process the obstetric patient capacity in the region will be preserved. Currently, the Ministry is finalizing the updating of the legal acts regulating the provision of health care to women and newborns in the region taking into account the activities of the perinatal center.
Also, based on Roszdravnadzor recommendations, the Ministry of Health of the Altai region reached an agreement on attracting the country’s leading experts for a methodical support to create an optimal medical care provision structure to women and newborns, including the academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher school, Honored science worker of the RF, holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, Professor Victor Radzinsky.
Control activities of Roszdravnadzor in the Altai regional clinical perinatal center in Barnaul are under way.
Roszdravnadzor information: On April 22, 2017, there were 87 women in the perinatal center, in the neonatal intensive care unit – 6 preterm LBW infants and in intensive care unit after caesarean section surgery – 4 women.